Monday 7 July 2014

Your Views

As a concept I stumbled across something quite cool at Sheffield DocFest this year. Imagine a film where people across the world capture themselves opening their curtains/blinds/shutters to the world outside. In all the countries of the world, poor, rich, hot, cold... It sounds beautiful right?

The 2min 47sec taster at Sheffield proved that although as a film it may not be an inspiring concept, nor the most engaging one but also that I could not help but imagine a mosaic of all of these shots on a huge screen, showing the moment that they all open their curtains to the view before them. That, would be a sight to behold.
If ever there was ever a symbol of togetherness, collaboration and a celebration of difference, I wouldn't deny this being it. The concept, created by 1997 Turner prize winner Gillian Wearing, is making its way around the world and you can be a part of it too.

You can submit the view from YOUR window at the website! Go on! I will be!

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