Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 1 - Hot Water Beach

A 7:30 wake up call at Base Auckland to catch the Kiwi Experience bus. Forst lesson of the day is that Auckland is the largest city in NZ and the whole country has a population of approx 4.5million. To put it in perspective, they have 30mlion sheep!!! First day took us through the picturesque volcanic region in Auckland county, where we stopped off at Tairua - which means two tides. 

Really beautiful place, with a great tidal beach.

Then we headed towards the hills to check in at Hot Water Beach, where natural hot springs run underneath the beach. Well they aren't just hot, they nearly took my toes off. It was boiling!!!

With low tide a little higher than usual due to the large moon, we didn't have long with access to the springs so instead I took to the wide ocean and jumped off a rock.

In the evening we then took an hour long hike to Cathedral Cove, the beautiful beach location featured in the Narnia films. 

Then we hiked back for another hour after a bit of cave exploring and got to see a beautiful sunset.

Then, home for beers and our first proper hostel dorm experience - which basically consisted of too many trips to the toilet, broken sleep and a guy who I've only heard speak English, sleep talking in French.

Oh and there was a visit from this guy too.

The walk did us good but my god am I tired!

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